Symfony 2.5 was released on June 1. I've been following blogs and listening to podcasts about the release and there are a lot of really awesome additions in this release. But there is one feature in particular that I don't believe is getting enough attention and deserves some.

Back in April I wrote about my frustration with Symfony & Absolute Paths. I was excited to see in May that this concern found itself into an official GitHub issue and PR and that it might get resolved in a future release of Symfony.  Well it has, and burried under the notes for 2.5 RC1 is this, "bug #10894 [HttpKernel] removed absolute paths from the generated container (fabpot)".

Quite frankly, this is huge!  After my post in April I hacked together what I was calling a PathlessKernel to work around this issue.  I basically regex'ed out the application root from the container. In my opinion this was an inelegant solution and thus I chose not to share it. The fix in #10894 is far superior and allows for the regenerating of cache in a CI environment before deployment without all of the path chaos previously created when dumping the container.

This is a big win for Symfony as it makes an application build artifact truly portable!

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